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About Us:

The Republican Club of Carroll County is an action oriented group of conservative-minded men and women. Our mission is to develop an active and informed membership that promotes the principles of the Republican party in our community by informing and educating the public and members through political education and activity, promoting voter information and bringing people into the Republican party. The RCCC actively works to identify, train and support Republican candidates running for both partisan and non-partisan races and helps train people to be effective political workers who will assist in the election of Republican candidates.

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Mercedes Moebuis- President

Mercedes is a founder and the first president of the RCCC.  She has worked on multiple campaigns on both the local and state level including being the county captain for the 2022 Republican Governor nominee.
Mercedes has lived in Carroll County for 20 years and is a proud wife and Mom of two daughters.

Dawn Nee-
Vice President
Dawn is a graduate of the University of Baltimore School of Law and owns her own law firm. She is the current President of a local private schools parent association. She is an active board member for Dad's Works, a local non-profit and spent years as a 4H leader. She is a wife and a mother to three children. She has resided in Carroll County for 18 years and been active in politics for years. 
Susan Yeakel- Secretary

Susan moved to MD from Taxachusetts 6 years ago and strongly believes in the Constitution. Susan became politically involved in 2007 and has raised three kids "right". She works for an IT company and a radio station and lives in Westminster with her husband.

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Christina Marsalek- Treasurer

Chris is an Investment Advisor licensed with SEC who holds a  degree and masters from Notre Dame of Maryland University. She and her husband have lived in Carroll County for 17 years and are blessed with two children and six grandchildren.  As a first generation  citizen, she was taught and supports traditional values and believes in the importance of our educational system.

Committee Leaders 

Michele Defeo-
Events Coordinator
Sallie Taylor-
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